First-Contact Physiotherapist (FCP) now in our surgery

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We are pleased to announce that we have a first-contact physiotherapist (FCP) in our surgery, who helps you with any new bone, muscle, or joint pain. FCPs are highly trained experts who can not only deal with your back, neck, knee, or shoulder pain but also with urgent care, urgent referral to hospitals, red-flagged conditions, etc. Now you can see FCPs before ANPs or GPs. They can refer you further for investigation, such as blood tests, X-rays, MRIs, etc. They will provide a detailed assessment of your condition with appropriate management. You will be referred for secondary care in QMC or city hospital if required. FCPs can provide you with fit-to-work reports or duty amendment notes.

If you require physiotherapy as further management, FCPs can provide home video exercise programmes or refer you to NHS physios.

Benefits of Booking an Appointment with FCP

  1. There is no lengthy wait list.
  2. Reduced the number of unnecessary points of contact with health care professionals
  3. Management and evaluation by experts